Thursday, October 4, 2012

Preview for Talk #1

Our first Technovation Talks presentation (coming this weekend) will be entitled: "Understanding IT Architecture - An Overview."  We chose IT Architecture as a starting point given its universal nature and the fact that it provides a vantage point for exploring most other Technovation topics. What is IT Architecture; how does it differ from traditional architecture; why are there so many types of IT architecture? We will address these questions as well as the core concepts associated with the field.

The mindmap below illustrates some of the basics associated with the topic. This presentation will also provide a jumping off point for a variety of related Overview and In-Depth Technovation Talks on architecture.

Technovation Talk 1 - Presentation Mindmap
You'll notice on this blog that we are fond of using illustrations to help reinforce concepts - this tendency comes directly from years of experience working in IT architecture and one of the most valuable byproducts of understanding the practice and tools associated with architecture.  All of IT is dedicated to problem-solving; even for problems that aren't traditionally viewed as IT issues, for example refer to the diagram below:

Architecture is well-suited to illustrating problem sets
As move deeper into more detailed IT Architecture Technovation Talks, we will provide contextual examples as to how architecture can be used creatively in real-world projects.

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